
Fireworks are very popular in the Cayman Islands – they are routine at Pirates Week, the Christmas boat parade of lights, New Year’s and for many private celebrations such as weddings, grand openings and birthday parties.

A friend of ours is the local fireworks operator and invited us to a private function recently for an insider’s view. The party was held at Pedro Castle, one of Cayman’s best tourism attractions, site of an 18th century plantation with great house and expansive grounds and gardens on the bluff overlooking the south coast.


Our friend designs and choreographs the fireworks display, which is operated electronically from a switchboard nearby. We were fascinated to watch him turn his back to the show and concentrate on the rows of switches, firing each one at exactly the right moment. Being backstage, as it were, gave us a close up view of the fireworks. Spread out across the bluff with the sea in the background, the fireworks flashed, spiraled, rocketed, glittered, sparkled, glowed, and radiated above us. It was a beautiful evening – mild temperature, light breeze and party atmosphere. We are eagerly anticipating the next display at the boat parade on December 10th.

This article has been collaboratively crafted with the assistance of AI-driven insights and meticulously curated by Fevi Yu, our  SEO Content Manager and Web Administrator. It has undergone rigorous editing and fact-checking by a Destination Editor-At-Large, who is also a resident of the Cayman Islands. Should you have any inquiries, require clarifications, or seek additional information, we invite you to contact us at