Voting for your favorite Dive Operator

Voting for your favorite Dive Operator

This week, February 2 to 6, 2015 is the “Vote for your Favorite Dive Company” in the Cayman Islands.

Voting for your favorite Dive Operator
North Wall dive, Photo by Michelle De Villiers is 16 years and 6 months old and in “Google Speak” it means that the website is trusted and relevant and yes, very, very powerful in terms of linking power. But please note its not just the age of domain that makes it powerful but other factors such as not having any google penalties and strict observance of unique content. You cannot find anything on the website that was copied from anywhere else, well, except the business listings but that doesn’t count.

To give you an idea of how old the domain is, the Department of Tourisms website is actually 5 months younger at 16 years and 2 months old. There are not a lot of websites that are as old or as powerful in the Cayman Islands. The only other website more powerful that it would be the other site we manage, which is

Objections on this process

We know that the Cayman Islands is one of the best diving destinations in the world. We sincerely belive that one of the reasons the Cayman Islands is one of the best diving destination is because of the quality of dive operators. In fact, this writer is a diver and can testify to the top notch quality of dive operators in the Cayman Islands.

So just to clarify, we are not looking for “the best” dive operator. What we are looking for is your favorite dive operator. When voting ends on Friday, February 6 at 5pm, we will be creating a top ten list of your favorite dive operators.’s online theme is “top ten lists” — because we understand that Users don’t have all the time in the world to do their online research, what we are doing for them is making sure they know who the crowd favorites are. There are no “bests” only favorites in this list.

Why dive operators should join

If you are a dive company located in the Cayman Islands, you should join because you will have your dive company prominently listed on the Top Ten Favorite dive operators landing page. If you search for “dive operators in the cayman islands” on Google, you will notice that shows up on the 2nd place.

This will do wonders for your website rank because we will be providing a free link from, a trusted website, actually, it is a free link from possibly the strongest link you can get in the Cayman Islands. If you had to pay for this website advertising, the cost would be $ 350 / month. So winning in the favorite dive operator contest will effectively save you $ 4,200 annually.

Voting process going on 3 years

This voting contest has been going on for 3 years. It is a free service that we provide to the dive industry and to the tourism community of the Cayman Islands as a whole. No one has paid us to do this contest and we try our hardest to make it as objective and updated as possible. Please note though that because it is a free service that we provide, not all the information is accurate. From the time that we started it to today, some dive companies might have closed down and some new ones might have started up. If you don’t find your listing, please contact us asap and provide us the information. If you see dive companies that have closed, please let us know as well.

Disqualifications from the Voting process

Please note that any company found to be trying to game the system by creating false Facebook profiles will be disqualified from this competition and removed from the Destination Directory. Thank you for your cooperation!

This article has been collaboratively crafted with the assistance of AI-driven insights and meticulously curated by Fevi Yu, our  SEO Content Manager and Web Administrator. It has undergone rigorous editing and fact-checking by a Destination Editor-At-Large, who is also a resident of the Cayman Islands. Should you have any inquiries, require clarifications, or seek additional information, we invite you to contact us at